
Brand: Maestro
Product Code: M100 3G XT 48500
Availability: In Stock
Weight: 90.00g
Dimensions: 62.80cm x 60.00cm x 21.80cm
Call for Price: 1-514-697-2327

UMTS dual-band 850/1900Mhz RS485 modem with industrial temperatures, 2 GPIO, RTC back-up and voice support GPIO, RTC back-up and voice support mini-USB gpsOneXtra support

M100 485 Series Modbus (3G or Verizon CDMA) allows Modbus RTU slave devices with RS-485 interfaces to operate on a TCP/IP network as full Modbus TCP slaves. All Modbus devices with an RS-485 bus can be connected to the TCP/IP network via the M100 485 Series, allowing them all to be accessed by Modbus TCP/IP devices on the network. 

Traditional Modbus RTU/ASCII master devices also can be connected to TCP/IP networks using Maestro 100 485 Series, making the device appear to be a full Modbus TCP master on the network. It can directly access Modbus TCP slave devices. It also can access other Modbus RTU/ASCII slaves that are connected to the network via other Maestro modems, as if it is talking directly to a Modbus RTU/ASCII slave. (Consult us for master mode)